WP Dispensary code snippets for WordPress

CannaBiz WordPress Theme Code Snippets

Our CannaBiz WordPress theme comes pre-packaged with a lot of customization features, which we’ll be going over later this week. But to keep #CannaBizWeek going, let’s go over some of the ways that you can use our CannaBiz theme and extend it with simple code snippets to suit your specific needs. Add a newsletter box […]

CannaBiz - WordPress marijuana theme

CannaBiz WordPress Theme Showcase #2

Welcome to the 2nd annual #CannaBizWeek! Our CannaBiz WordPress theme was released on June 13th 2016 so to celebrate the two year anniversary, we’re publishing content about CannaBiz all week long 🙂 Just like we did last year, we’ll be starting off the week with a showcase of some amazing websites built with the CannaBiz theme! Looking back over the […]

WordPress dispensary plugins - extend CannaBiz dispensary theme

WordPress plugins to extend the CannaBiz dispensary theme

In our final #CannaBizWeek article, we’re going to take a look at some of the top WordPress plugins to help extend our CannaBiz theme. Today we are going to show off some of the best WordPress plugins for extending the functionality of the CannaBiz theme, and your entire website in general. The plugins range from eCommerce to […]

CannaBiz dispensary theme for WordPress

CannaBiz Version 1.5

Continuing forward with the #CannaBizWeek celebrations, we’re releasing version 1.5 of CannaBiz – the best dispensary theme for WordPress, guaranteed! Yesterday we gave a rundown of what the last year has been like for CannaBiz and today we’re kicking off year 2 with an update that fixes many bugs and adds in new features. So […]

Our CannaBiz theme is 1 year old!

We’re continuing our #CannaBizWeek celebration with the 1 year birthday of our CannaBiz WordPress theme! While it’s felt like the year has gone by too fast, looking back we’re able to see a lot of things have actually happened in the last year. This post is going to cover the CannaBiz launch, growth over the […]

CannaBiz - WordPress marijuana theme

CannaBiz WordPress Theme Showcase

Welcome to #CannaBizWeek! Our CannaBiz WordPress theme was released on June 13th 2016 so to celebrate the one year anniversary, we’re publishing content about CannaBiz all week long 🙂 Today we’re going to show off a few websites that are currently using the CannaBiz theme. From delivery services to dispensaries and a company completely outside […]