WP Dispensary Version 1.9.4

It’s been a couple of weeks since the last version of WP Dispensary was released, and now here we are with version 1.9.4 hitting your dashboards!

This update covers a lot of updates to the shortcodes, as well as some other changes and enhancements throughout your site.

THC% and CBD% displayed with Flowers shortcode

For a lot of patients, knowing what THC and CBD percentages are in each flower is an important part of the decision making process on what flower to choose.

WP Dispensary now automatically displays the THC% and CBD% in your Flower shortcode output.

If you’d like to hide these items from displaying in your site, you can add thc="hide" and cbd="hide" to the Flowers shortcode.

Taxonomy options for shortcodes

When you use one of the shortcodes that come with WP Dispensary, you can now display menu items based on the available taxonomy options for each menu type.

For instance, you can use the following code to display Flowers that have the sweet aroma type.

[wpd-flowers aroma="sweet"]

A full list of available shortcode taxonomies can be seen below.


  • aroma
  • flavor
  • effect
  • symptom
  • condition


  • aroma
  • flavor
  • effect
  • symptom
  • condition


  • ingredients


  • ingredients

THC and CBD percentages in Pre-rolls

WP Dispensary version 1.9.4 thc/cbd % metaboxAs of version 1.9.4 of WP Dispensary, you now have the option to add the THC and CBD percentages for the pre-rolls you add to your menu.

There will now be a box in the editor screen which lets you add these numbers in.

Once added, those numbers will be output in the Details table that gets displayed on the menu item page.

WP Dispensary version 1.9.4 pre-roll THC and CBD details

Change the order of items in shortcodes

Another update to the shortcodes is the option for you to change the order of your menu items that get displayed.

You can randomize the order of your products by adding the option orderby="rand" to your shortcode.

For those of you who have a lot of products, this is a great way to feature all of your flower types on your home page.

By displaying a smaller amount with posts="6" in the shortcode along with the randomizing order, every time your page is viewed, 6 different flowers will be displayed.

You are also able to change the order to display your products arranged in alphabetical order, by post ID and more.

You can view all of the available orderby options from WordPress here.

Menu type category options for your menus

WP Dispensary version 1.9.4 menu type categories for menuIn this version of WP Dispensary we’ve added in the option for you to select your menu type categories and add them to your menu.

Head to your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance > Menus in order to see your menu type’s categories available to drag & drop into your menu(s).

Download WP Dispensary Version 1.9.4

You should get the WP Dispensary plugin update notification in your WordPress dashboard, but if for any reason it doesn’t show up, you can download WP Dispensary via the official WordPress plugin repository.

If you don’t have the plugin installed yet, you can also download it directly from your WordPress dashboard by going to Plugins - Add New and searching for WP Dispensary.

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