CannaBizWeek – Add Categories to WP Dispensary Shortcodes

function cannabiz_wpd_shortcode_categories() { if ( in_array( get_post_type(), array( ‘flowers’, ‘prerolls’ ) ) ) { ?> <div class="cannabiz-categories"><?php echo get_the_term_list( get_the_id(), ‘flowers_category’, ”, ‘, ‘ ); ?></div> <?php } if ( in_array( get_post_type(), array( ‘concentrates’ ) ) ) { ?> <div class="cannabiz-categories"><?php echo get_the_term_list( get_the_id(), ‘concentrates_category’, ”, ‘, ‘ ); ?></div> <?php } if ( in_array( […]


CannaBizWeek – Advertisements 2

function custom_ad_box_sidebar() { echo "<p><a href=’CUSTOMURL’><img src=’IMAGEURL’ alt=” /></a></p>"; } add_action( "cannabiz_sidebar_inside_bottom", "custom_ad_box_sidebar" );


CannaBizWeek – Advertisements 1

function custom_ad_box() { echo "<p><a href=’CUSTOMURL’><img src=’IMAGEURL’ alt=” /></a></p>"; } add_action( "cannabiz_single_after", "custom_ad_box" );


CannaBizWeek – Newsletter Box

function custom_newsletter_box() { echo "<div class=’hentry newsletter-box’> <h2>Join our Newsletter</h2> <p>Add some more text here to convince people that signing up is worth it.</p> <form> <input type=’text’ class=’newsletter-email’ value=” placeholder=’Email Address’ /> <input type=’submit’ class=’newsletter-submit’ value=’JOIN NOW!’ /> </form> </div>"; } add_action( "cannabiz_single_after", "custom_newsletter_box" );


CannaBizWeek – Top Bar Link

function custom_topbar_link() { echo "<a href=’#’ class=’topbar-link’><i class=’fa fa-globe’ aria-hidden=’true’></i> New Link</a> "; } add_action( "cannabiz_topbar_inside_before_email", "custom_topbar_link" );



function acme_nav_search() { /* Your codes here */ } add_action( ‘cannabiz_navigation_after’, ‘acme_nav_search’ );



/* Add custom code inside the bottom of the Growers widget */ add_action( ‘wpd_growers_widget_inside_bottom’, ‘acme_growers_widget_inside_bottom’ ); function acme_growers_widget_inside_bottom() { // Place your custom code here }



/* Add custom code inside the top of the Growers widget */ add_action( ‘wpd_growers_widget_inside_top’, ‘acme_growers_widget_inside_top’ ); function acme_growers_widget_inside_top() { // Place your custom code here }