CannaBizWeek – Newsletter Box

function custom_newsletter_box() { echo "<div class=’hentry newsletter-box’> <h2>Join our Newsletter</h2> <p>Add some more text here to convince people that signing up is worth it.</p> <form> <input type=’text’ class=’newsletter-email’ value=” placeholder=’Email Address’ /> <input type=’submit’ class=’newsletter-submit’ value=’JOIN NOW!’ /> </form> </div>"; } add_action( "cannabiz_single_after", "custom_newsletter_box" );


CannaBizWeek – Newsletter Box Style

.hentry.newsletter-box { background: #454545; color: #FFF; overflow: auto; padding: 24px; text-align: center; } .hentry.newsletter-box h2 { font-size: 48px; margin: 0; padding-top: 0; } .hentry.newsletter-box p { margin: 0 0 24px 0; } .hentry.newsletter-box input.newsletter-email { border: 1px solid #FFF; float: left; margin-right: 1%; padding: 18px; width: 68%; } .hentry.newsletter-box input.newsletter-submit { float: left; width: 30%; […]


CannaBizWeek – Top Bar Link

function custom_topbar_link() { echo "<a href=’#’ class=’topbar-link’><i class=’fa fa-globe’ aria-hidden=’true’></i> New Link</a> "; } add_action( "cannabiz_topbar_inside_before_email", "custom_topbar_link" );


CannaBizWeek – Designed by Footer Copyright

function custom_cannabiz_footer() { $cannabiz_footer_designedby = "| Designed by <a href=’’>Robert DeVore</a>"; return $cannabiz_footer_designedby; } add_filter( "cannabiz_footer_designedby", "custom_cannabiz_footer" );



/** Filter to change the two grams weight name in WooConnect */ function acme_weight_twograms( $weighttwograms ) { $weighttwograms = ‘2g’; return $weighttwograms; } add_filter( ‘wpdwc_weight_twograms’, ‘acme_weight_twograms’ );



/** Filter to change the half gram weight name in WooConnect */ function acme_weight_halfgram( $weighthalfgram ) { $weighthalfgram = ‘0.5g’; return $weighthalfgram; } add_filter( ‘wpdwc_weight_halfgram’, ‘acme_weight_halfgram’ );



/** Filter to change the ounce weight name in WooConnect */ function acme_weight_ounce( $weightounce ) { $weightounce = ’28g’; return $weightounce; } add_filter( ‘wpdwc_weight_ounce’, ‘acme_weight_ounce’ );