Introduction to shortcakes

26 seconds

To display menu items in any post or page on your website, you can add any of the following shortcode. All default options are displayed below.

Menu shortcode options

[wpd_menu title="show" posts="9" id="" class="" name="show" price="show" thc="show" thca="" cbd="" cba="" cbn="" cbg="" thcmg="" thc_topical="" aroma="" flavor="" effect="" symptom="" condition="" vendor="" category="" shelf_type="" strain_type="" total_thc="show" weight="show" seed_count="show" clone_count="show" size="show" servings="" orderby="" meta_key="" type="flowers, concentrates, edibles, prerolls, topicals, growers" imgsize="wpd-small"]

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8 thoughts on “Introduction to shortcakes

  1. Is there any information available to show all the possible options for each item such as imgsize, category, orderby etc.? At the moment, I’m trying to sort the menu shortcode by price either by high to low or low to high.

    1. Thanks for the comment Andrew. Right now there’s not full details published on each individual shortcode option, but that’s something I’m working on including asap.

      There’s not a filter currently included to sort by price (high/low), but in the next release this will be included along with more robust search/sort functionality.

  2. With the recent update you Deprecated wpd-flowers, wpd-concentrates, wpd-edibles, wpd-topicals, wpd-prerolls, wpd-growers, and wpd-carousel shortcodes. How do I add this same functionality now?

      1. But then how do you display items that were flowers and are now products in the same category?

        Example, I had products pre-update that are showing correctly with [wpd_menu posts=”100″ type=”flowers”] but product added after the update are not displayed.